SAR Incident Synopsis
for April 17th, 2023 through May 15th, 2023
Sheriff Brooksby,
Below is the SAR Report from April 17th, 2023 through May 15th, 2023
May 2023 Report
Total calls this report – 15 Combined April/May – 24
Total SAR calls 2023 – 57
Total Man Hours this report – 515 Combined April/May – 785
Rescued Subjects
In County Residence – 5
Out of County (Utah) Residence – 7
Out of Utah – 6
International – 0
04/21023 @ 1930, Fall, LaVerkin – Man Hours – 30
Search and Rescue (SAR) units responded to a 57 year old female who had fallen off a
cliff east of LaVerkin Overlook. IC was established on the cliff just above the patient. Life
Flight responded and was staged near Incident Command. Medical units evaluated the
female and SAR units utilized a rope system to raise the female back up the cliff where
she was loaded into the helicopter and transported to the hospital.
04/22/2023 @ 2100, Lost Hikers, Squirrel Canyon – Man Hours – 16
SAR was dispatched to a group of hikers lost in Squirrel Canyon. I requested that life
flight attempt to locate the individuals since we didn’t have a good location on them and it
was dark. Before Life Flight launched, the lost hikers made their way back to their
vehicles, and our response was canceled.
04/23/2023 @ 1740, Injured Hiker, Scout Trail – Man Hours – 24
SAR and St. George Fire responded to a report of an individual that had hurt their ankle.
SAR was paged out and was able to get the patient off the trail without incident. Patient
was transported to St. George Regional for their injury.
04/25/2023 @ 2009, Mountain Bike Crash – Bear-Claw Poppy– Man Hours – 38
SAR responded to a 57 year old male that crashed on a Mountain Bike. SAR, EMS, and
St George Fire searched for the man. They located him, stabilized him and took him to
the ambulance. He was taken to St George Regional Hospital.
04/29/2023 @ 1110, Fall, Red Cliff’s Recreation Area – Man Hours – 50
SAR responded to a 17 year old male that fell and injured his ankle. SAR and Hurricane
EMS hiked in and treated the subject. He was carried out by SAR and taken by
ambulance to the hospital.
04/30/2023 @ 1430, Possible Missing Child, St George – Man Hours – 112
SAR responded to assist St George PD on a possible missing child near the Virgin River.
SAR searched the river banks and surrounding grows and fields. After several hours the
search was called off by SGPD.
04/30/2023 @ 1500, UTV Accident, Sand Mountain – Man Hours – 40
SAR, Hurricane Fire, State Park Rangers, and Life Flight helicopter responded to a UTV
crash on the sand dunes above Sand Hollow State Park. Deputies and Search and rescue
assisted Park Rangers, Hurricane Fire, and Life Flight with extracting, prepping, and
transporting the 30 year old male patient to the Life Flight helicopter. The patient was
taken to the St. George Regional Hospital via Life Flight. State Park Rangers investigated
the crash. The UTV was returned to Mad Moose rentals by SAR
05/02/2023 @ 1800, UTV Accident, Sand Mountain – Man Hours – 28
SAR responded to report of a side by side roll over on Sand Mountain near Competition
Hill. It was reported that four males were inside the side by side and one of the males had
a shoulder and possible head injury. Search and Rescue was paged and Life Flight was
requested. When I arrived, the patient was being stabilized by Life Flight and other
medical personnel for transportation.
05/07/2023 @ 1640, Ill Hiker, Babylon Arch – Man Hours – 24
SAR responded to the Babylon Arch Trail, on a report of a female that was throwing up
and possibly having heat exposure. SAR responded and the patient was able to walk out
off the trail under their own power without incident. The subject refused transport.
05/07/2023 @ 2138, Unknown- Possible Stranded Person – Man Hours – 4
SAR was notified concerning someone seeing flashing lights from Little Creek Mountain.
A second call was received two hours later. SAR deputies were sent out to search that
night. A second search was made the following morning. No one was located that was in
05/08/2023 @ 1158, Injured Hiker, Red Cliff’s Recreation Area – Man Hours – 32
SAR and Hurricane EMS responded to a 17 year old male that fell and broke his ankle
while hiking. SAR located his and EMS stabilized his injury. He was carried out by SAR
and turned over to EMS for transport.
05/13/2023 @ 1340, Bike Accident, Wire Mesa Trail – Man Hours – 24
SAR responded to a 61 year old female that crashed on the Wire Mesa Trail. The subject
had hit her head. SAR and EMS hiked in and located her. She was treated and carried
out. She was transported by EMS to the hospital.
05/13/2023 @ 1600, Lost Child, Oak Grove – Man Hours – 42
SAR responded to a lost 8 year old male in Oak Grove. The boy had walked away from
his families campsite. SAR and Star 9 began searching the area. A SAR member located
him about a mile and a half away from the camp grounds. He was wet and tired, but
otherwise unharmed. EMS checked him and he was released to his parents.
05/13/2023 @ 1950, UTV Accident, Sand Mountain – Man Hours – 26
SAR responded to a UTV accident on Sand Mountain. A UTV flipped over and landed on
a 23 year old female. Life Flight was called to respond. SAR went in and arrived as Life
Flight made contact with the patient. She was taken by helicopter to ST George Regional
05/14/2023 @ 0830, Agency Assist, Sand Hollow State Park – Man Hours – 25
SAR Dive Team responded to assist Utah State Park Rangers in recovering a 24 ft boat
that had sunk near the South Beach area. SAR raised the boat with lift bags. The fuel
tanks leaked so SAR and State Parks deployed water booms and accessories to soak up
the fuel. The boat was impounded by Utah State Parks.

Stephanie Ellis

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